Tuesday, February 12, 2008

our first valentine's

the path of the just is like the shining sun
that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day
proverbs 4:18
my sweet and lovely lady-
may i help us to walk in the Son and follow the pathways of Jesus. i want us to shine for Him in our lives together.
let us pray
this valentine's
that it
be so!
may we
feast on love-
every mode of it.
may we be-
solemn & merry
romantic & realistic
dramatic & comfortable
thunderstorms & slippers.
you are my-
pupil & teacher
subject & sovereign
comrade & shipmate
sexy mistress & best friend
(adapted from c.s. lewis)


boomin' - jerimac @ the tobymac concert

your love is boomin'out of my cardio system
this goes out to Lord whose is listenin'
boomin' out of my cardio system
i rep the most high with this one
boomin' out of my cardio system

this goes out to Lord whose is listenin'
Boomin' out of my cardio system
'Cause you rock for sure with je-ri-o