Saturday, July 10, 2004

a short day...

Lord, I pray for the Lum's and Henry's. May their struggles and adventures demonstrate who you are.

Lord, what am I to do with my snaz75 selfishness? Work to change my heart, please.

Friday, July 09, 2004


Invest in people


God's instrument to people


(1) God
|\ (2) Commitment
| \ (3) Love... goes a a long way
| -

I once did not know my creator and master and savior
I knew by love and passion I could go a long way
I though that my passion and love could last forever
But then I met one who loved my Lord
and passion... oh we had tons!
But patience, commitment, and courage
we found this could only bring us together as one
under God, our Father, together

pretty /
/ style
smile /