Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fear and Love

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us. - 1 John 4:18-19

At the age of fifteen, I pretty much had a fear of everything. Rollercoasters, heights, and above all, talking to girls. But then I met Eva. (Smiles, this ones for you Coulomb "James" Chang... where ever you are). Probably impossible at that point to convince me that it was just a crush, but that's basically what it was, my first major crush. Suddenly, I had no fear; For I knew I was "in love."

Ms. Junior Statesment of America and all around leader of leaders of any organization or group of friends. What I found so attractive about her was her drive and ambitions. Confronting such an individual in the middle of high school, I can see why guys and gals were so equally drawn to her. Thankfully, after months of following her around, she sat me down one day and told me something that changed my life.

It wasn't so much what she said about what she wanted in her life, but the fact that she knew what she wanted and I didn't. After a few very hard days of thinking over my life, I realized that I needed to figure out what's important in my life before I go and try to be a part of someone elses.

What followed was a long year of participating in clubs, sports, and having new friends. From Tennis playing to Math Club to Key Club to Faith in Jesus Christ, I realized that I was just beginning to understand what I do and do not love. I was immature. I only knew how to show love in outward ways. I didn't understand that showing love has much more to do with the heart than gifts and flowers.

Mark Feng, thank you. Our conversation this weekend coming back from the mingle movement, remined me of this period in my life. I believe this story is a hint of what started my search to understand love and life's meaning. I don't know why (but I guess none of us will until we get There), but God was speaking to me that year. Yes, seek Him and He will find you. "So come home running, his arms are open wide, His name is Jesus, He understands." - Chris Tomlin

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. - 1 John 3:16


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